Rules & Etiquette

We strive to provide a friendly environment. Please introduce yourselves at the beginning of a match.

If anyone is caught manipulating the use of our tag system, we will ask that they leave the club and they will not get a refund or a chance to rejoin the club in the future.


Each member is given a ranking, which are as follows:

Green - Novice
Blue - Intermediate
Purple - Intermediate/Advanced
Red - Advanced

We recommend that you try to play with others that are the same colour as you, or one degree different. It is helpful to play with players that are a bit better than you. Conversely, you can be helpful by sometimes playing with weaker players.

The Board and Tag System

A board and name tags are used to organize games and give each member a fair chance to play. There are 6 spaces to represent each court (doubles only), and additional players wait for an empty court on the bottom section, from left to right.

Members are welcome to move their name tag forward if there is a space. You are always welcome to move your name backward if you want a rest or want to wait for a particular player. No member may move the tag of another member without the permission of that player.

If there is an unfilled space on the board, even if there are empty courts, nobody may play until that space on the board is filled with name tags.

Although many of us enjoy a replay, you must leave the court after each game. As mentioned above, you may not play again if there is anyone waiting, even if there is an empty court. Otherwise, you are welcome to one replay, but we strongly encourage you to mix it up. We do not think it is friendly to repeatedly play with the same players all night.

We recommend that you actively check the board. Pay attention to who you are playing with the next game. Move your tag so you have a chance to play with others.

It is the members' responsibility to put their name tags back into the tag box when they leave for the night.


We appreciate help from the members in setting up the courts and taking down the nets at the end of the night. Committee members are volunteers too and appreciate a helping hand.

Our permit is until 8 PM. Games must be finished by 7:50 PM in order to leave time to clean up so that the next group to rent the gym is able to use it at their designated permit time.

If there are empty courts at the end of the evening, those who wish may use them to practice serving and footwork.

Please wear non-marking shoes.

Please pay attention when going to and leaving the court. It is extremely dangerous to walk across courts when a game is in progress.

Scoring System

A match consists of 21 points.

The side winning a rally adds a point to its score.

At 20 all, the side which gains a 2 point lead first, wins that game.

At 29 all, the side scoring the 30th point, wins that game.


There is only one serve in doubles.

At the beginning of the game and when the score is even, the server serves from the right court. When it is odd, the server serves from the left court.

If the serving side wins a rally, the serving side scores a point and the same server serves again from the alternate service court.

If the receiving side wins a rally, the receiving side scores a point. The receiving side becomes the new serving side.

The player of the receiving side who served last stays in the same service court from where he served last. The reverse pattern applies to the receiver’s partner

The players do not change their respective service courts until they win a point when their side is serving.

If players commit an error in the service court, the error is corrected when the mistake is discovered.


Membership is not transferable, meaning that if a member is unable to attend, no person can act as a substitute.

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